Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas cancelled due to fog

So... we try and leave Rome and discover that Liverpool airport is closed due to fog. Bummer, hey. So we wait in line.. and wait and wait and finally get a choise between waiting a day for the next Liverpool flight or wait an hour and go to London Luton instead. Thinking that it would bet better to be stuck in London than in Rome for xmas we take the London Luton flight.

thank.. the... gods...

We fly in and manage to hire one of the last rental cars and make our way north. Tagging along with Girlclumsy and I is a Canadian girl we met in the line in Rome who must have decided we were not a serial killer couple (Though GC did start some strange Wolf Creek related conversation in the middle of the Penines... strange girl!). On our 5 hour drive north to Liverpool we here that all the London airports have been closed due to inclement weather.. and so has Liverpool airport! Bloody Hell! As far as we know they airports are still closed but they hope it will all clear by the 24th of December.#

It seems we dodged the sleeping-in-Luton-airport-for-xmas bullet by 24 hours.

We made it to Liverpool safely and met up with MixMaster Mike (last time we saw Mike wasin greece). We spent a fun day and night bar hopping and visiting places from my mum's childhood. I dont mean my mum spent her childhood in bars... i mean she is a Scouser at heart and i managed to track down the very house she was born in!

Wellington St in Garston, Liverpool! Found it! It was funny to think of my Mater as one of nine children (with Nanny and Oupa as well) living in this small house in the rough side of Liverpool.

I even found the house! I won't say which number it was as i dont want you upsetting the nice people who live there now with your pilgrammages to the Mother of The Wah ;)

Today we had to say goodbye to MixMaster and we headed north again until we arrived safely in Glasgow at my sister's house.

Tomorrow we head out to Inverness for a highland christmas.

Best Wishes to you and yours this festive season. Be safe, be happy and be good.. or if you can't be good then be good at it. (Copyright Mika-Monster ;) )


Anonymous said...

Hello Greg-Wah. Best wishes to you and Girlclumsy for the festive season. May 2007 bring you more of the good things. Enjoy every delicious moment. And greetings too from that host of beings attached to *windmill world*. They too have been relishing the splendid travellings. Be good. Be happy. Be good at being happy. Two more sleeps....gah....the perpetual four year old has been found out touching the presents.... :-). x

Anonymous said...

Feliz Navidad Squidmaster General.

See you in the new year huh?

Anonymous said...

Greetings of the season my peripatetic friends! Hope after all this travel you remember the way home, we miss you :-( Love Carol & Amanda

The Wah said...

Best Wishes to all and sundry...

Just saw the Doctor Who 'Runaway Bride' Christmas Special


Anonymous said...

So don't leave us tell about the Doctor. I'll share my lumpy coal with you. ;) Cheers. ana x

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Christmas to remember fondly.
Happy 2007!